Getting an easy access to a green card might feel like a far-off approach to many people. To be a resident of the United States of America, you need to register beforehand. Every year, the Department of State gives out 55,000 Green cards to people from a list of approved countries. It is an open forum so it’s viewable to the public. For the year 2010, the dates allotted are October the 5th and November the 3rd. Registering for the green card lottery is very crucial to get a legal US residency statue.
This entire process is completely legal and is hassle free. The US government applies some basic rules for the public who need a green card. The program is safe, authorised and since it’s a lottery, the luck factor is always there. But do not be disheartened by this. Most of the cases, it is a favourable situation. Honesty is a big requirement for applicants. Holding a green card will make a person a permanent resident of the United States of America. But first, while registering you have to check whether your country is listed under the law. If you belong to one of those registered countries then you can apply for free. However, if the country does not appear on the list, you may be able to get a spouse VISA card. The green card will enable you to live, study and work in the US while you look for a permanent residency. Most immigrant visas lack the seal of authenticity but the green card lottery ensures a fair distribution.
Over 55,000 visas are allocated every year for this lottery. Some other controllable variables can work in your favour of obtaining a US green card. The person has to submit the application on time; should update any prior changes and keep to the said rules. The United States of America conducts this program on the basis of unbiased co-operation for the betterment of the people. A heady mix of culture is inserted into this program so any person can apply. The name of the mentioned application is Electronic Diversity Visa or the Visa USA. The Department of State handles these registrations. There are two basic requirements for applicants. The person should be at least a high school graduate with a certificate or must have two years of field experience.
The needs should be fulfilled and no necessary information should be withheld. All criteria should be met with utmost caution and care. There is no room for mistakes. You can just send one application per person. To avoid deportation or disqualification you have to abide by the rules. The Visa US is a simple procedure as long as you feel confident and be truthful.
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